Giới thiệu
We are impeccable with our words, actions, mindsets, attitudes & love to deliver, work and live our manabie way: “Our mission is to prepare us for tomorrow’s world by catalysing individuals to create positive changes for themselves, our society, and nature. We are determined to help our learners discover and cultivate their inner greatness and grow into people who are curious, courageous, compassionate and competent.” We, manabians, take our user-focused approach to everything we do. It is DNA to us. What’s your inner greatness? Join Manabie to make positive changes to our world.
Lý do bạn nên chọn chúng tôi
Tech Culture:Teamwork: “Your problem is my problem, my problem is your problem.”We believe in Test Driven Development, no test no merge cultureOutput with values, not just code: tech members have chances to talk/work with multiple stakeholders in manabie’s ecosystem.
External: leaners, parents, coaches, tutors, teachers, etc. (inter)
Internal: cross functional team consisting of product manager, designers, like-minded programmers, content creators, data scientists, operational personnels, etc.
Automate as much as we can
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Flutter for cross platform/hybrid mobile development; Golang with gRPC/Protocol Buffers; Postgresql; React/Redux; Bigdata with Redshift, Spark
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