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Tuyển dụng ASP.NET Dev (.NET, C#, English) ~ $2500

Mô tả công việc

Software development for a web-based incident (ticket) management system with AI, Speech to Text technologies on desktop as well as mobile devices

Trách nhiệm

  • Laptop provided
  • Chance to work in Germany 4-6 months
  • 13 days AL + 3 days SL+ National holidays

Kỹ năng


Yêu cầu kinh nghiệm

Must Have:

  • Experience (years): Senior Developer/3+  years experience
  • Visual Studio C#, .NET Core, CICD (Git, Bitbucket, Docker, TeamCity), VSCode, Nodejs, Yarn, kubectl, mongo db, Vue CLI, Xamarin on iOS devices, Firebase messaging
  • English fluently
  • Work together with Germany team to develop projects
  • Agile working (creative, self-organized and high responsibility with SCRUM process)

Nice to Have:

  • AI, Microsoft Azure, LUIS, Speech to Text, KeyCloak Authentication
  • Samhammer AG is a leading company with over 30 years of experiences in providing customer services solutions in Germany. We are located in Weiden which is nearby Munich. We are building a Software Development in Vietnam this year. Therefore you will have an opportunity to work for us and have the following benefits
Nộp đơn

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